We’ve all dreamed it: coming home to a vast foyer with an exquisite chandelier reflecting a thousand points of light that are swept up the staircase like stars from the movie Gone With The Wind. Dreams like these are now more possible than ever.
Illuminated or not, chandeliers can create an incomparable feeling when you enter a room, and can completely transform a space – whether it’s an entrance, dining room or bedroom. Whatever the design, a chandelier should reflect not only light, but your personal style – it should move you in some way.
Today, chandeliers are viewed as works of art, and are being installed in all areas, including bedrooms, hallways and bathrooms. Selecting a chandelier is a highly personal choice that should create a mood which suits the room. There are many combinations to consider when trying to find the perfect chandelier for your home, whatever your style.
There are traditional lights, created with expert craftsmanship and elegance, that can stand the test of time when placed in the right location and space. A pared-down chandelier can be simple and casual, suiting the style and design of the room but enhancing the area with flattering light. Wood with a rich grain combined with forged metal offers a contrast to create a rustic detail that can be bucolic or transitional.
All this and more when you add a dimmer that can transform the atmosphere from the romance of a soft glow in the evening to a more practical brightness for those times when you just need to get things done – and everything in between.
Whatever the style, whatever the room, the lighting you choose should be both practical and stylish: it should complement your taste and your lifestyle; it should define space in creative ways, contributing to the realization of the possibilities that reside in all homes, especially yours. But most of all, like life itself, it should inspire feelings of comfort and happiness – for you, your family and your guests.
For design expertise and illuminating lighting ideas, visit our showroom. We carry many different styles that will help you realize the potential and possibilities that the right fixture in the perfect location can bring to your home.